Tata recently launched the Nexon EV Max in the Indian market starting from Rs 17.74 lakh (ex-showroom, India). Right from the day its prices were announced, the SUV has been gathering a lot of interest among standard Nexon EV customers, who are awaiting deliveries, who plan to upgrade to the more powerful and expensive Nexon EV Max. Essentially a long-range version of the Nexon EV, the EV Max gets a bigger 40.3kWh battery, 14hp more power, faster charging option and an ARAI-certified range of 437km, which is 125km more than the regular Nexon EV.
- Tata Nexon EV Max deliveries to start by June
- Nexon EV Max gets feature and safety additions
- Nexon EV Max costs Rs 1.54 to 2.04 lakh more than the standard Nexon EV
Tata Nexon EV Max: deliveries and waiting period
Dealers tell us that deliveries for the Nexon EV Max should start by early June and the waiting period is currently hovering around the four-month mark. In comparison, the standard Nexon EV has a six month waiting period, if booked now. In Mumbai alone, Tata has managed to gather close to 200 bookings for the Nexon EV Max.
Tata Nexon EV Max: what more do you get?
Aside from the larger battery, more power and longer range, there are other differences that separate the Nexon EV Max from the regular Nexon EV. Design changes are limited to new 16-inch diamond-cut alloys and a new Intensi-Teal paint shade.
On the inside, the EV Max features a new drive selector, an electronic parking brake switch, buttons to adjust the regen and a wireless charging pad. To accommodate the bigger battery, the entire floor plan has been reworked, resulting in a 15mm drop in ground clearance, a 10mm higher cabin floor, and a 100kg weight gain over the regular Nexon EV. The Nexon EV Max also adds safety features like ESP, traction control, hill-start assist, hill descent control and rear disc brakes amongst others.
In our real-world tests, the Nexon EV Max delivered an overall average of 263km, which is only about 60 percent of what Tata claims. The standard Nexon EV, on the other hand, delivered an overall average of 208km against the ARAI-certified 312km.
Also see:
Tata Nexon EV Max review – Compels you to go electric
Tata Nexon EV Max vs Nexon EV: Top 10 differences
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Hari Haran - 820 days ago
Its not even a real launch. I have booked on the day of launch and my vendor is saying it may take many months to get my vehicle being first on priority! Just show off! not real launch!
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