TVS has set a new record for the longest non-stop stunt show in India with five stunt teams from Coimbatore, Bengaluru, Jaipur, Indore and Delhi performing for six hours continuously. The riders performed astride modified Apache RTR 200 4Vs and the event dubbed ‘Apache Pro Performance X’ saw TVS enter the Asia Book of Records. The previous record was also set by TVS in 2017 with a duration of five hours.
The teams were Steel Silencerz from Jaipur, Balance Point from Bengaluru, Throttlerz from Coimbatore, Moto Tycoonz from Delhi and Throttle Extreme from Indore. Each team performed individually for 20 minutes, with this cycle going on for nearly six hours. The last 20 minutes of the show were the most enthralling as it saw all five teams enter the arena together to perform a number of synchronised stunts.
The record-breaking event took place in Pune and, despite the bad weather and downpour, the performers showed great determination and grit to go on with the show.
Also see:
2018 TVS Apache RTR 200 4V Race Edition 2.0 review, test ride
2019 TVS Apache RR 310 review, track ride
2019 TVS Jupiter ZX launched at Rs 56,093
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