Hyundai Motor India’s sales and marketing director, Rakesh Srivastava, has quit after six years of working for the Korean carmaker. An official note from the company says he has “decided to pursue other interests outside of the organisation."
Srivastava had joined Hyundai Motor India in April 2012 as vice-president (national sales) and was promoted to senior vice-president (sales and marketing) in April 2013. In April 2017, his position was elevated to director of the sales and marketing division.
In FY2013, Hyundai Motor India sold a total of 3,83,611 units (-1.33 percent) for a passenger vehicle (PV) market share of 14.28 percent. In FY2018, the carmaker’s total PV sales were 5,36,241 (+5.21 percent), giving it a market share of 16.31 percent.
Prior to joining the Korean carmaker, Srivastava was chief general manager at Maruti Suzuki India where had a 15-year stint in multiple roles between December 1996 and March 2012. An alumnus of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, he has over 30 years of work experience. Previous to his engagement in the automotive industry, he has also worked with Goodlass Nerolac Paints and GTC Industries.
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