Mahindra Two wheelers has faced a few ups and downs in the Indian two-wheeler market. Scooters like Gusto 125 showed promise, while the odd-ball st...
Mahindra Two wheelers has faced a few ups and downs in the Indian two-wheeler market. Scooters like Gusto 125 showed promise, while the odd-ball styled BS4 Mojo had a refined 300cc single. The current dealership network is nowhere near that of well established competition, and that is a concern.
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Engine Torque
25.96 Nm @ 6,000 rpm
Kerb Weight
₹ 2.34 lakh
₹ 3.82 lakh
₹ 1.77 lakh
₹ 1.40 lakh
₹ 1.31 lakh
₹ 1.26 lakh
₹ 4.00 - 4.09 lakh
₹ 1.00 - 1.35 lakh
₹ 3.40 - 3.60 lakh
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