Just over a year after the TVS Raider 125 was launched in India, the Hosur-based bikemaker, in a teaser, has revealed that its sporty 125cc commuter is set to receive an update. This update will be launched through its proprietary platform, TVS Motoverse, which shall host this as the first of many model updates in this manner, in the future.
- Raider 125 likely to get more premium trim with TFT screen
- This trim of the 125cc Raider is likely to be more expensive
TVS Raider 125 update: details
When the Raider 125 was launched over a year ago, TVS had said that there will be a top of the range trim, which will feature a TFT dash with Bluetooth connectivity. This trim was to be launched a few months after the bike launched, but the semiconductor chip shortage has likely caused TVS to delay the launch of the bike.
While few details are known about this new trim, we expect the mechanicals to vary very little (if at all) from the existing Raider 125. Currently, the Raider 125 is powered by a 11.4hp, 11.2Nm, 124.8cc single cylinder air-cooled engine that comes mated to a five-speed gearbox. The Raider 125 also has two modes – Power and Eco. Suspension duties are handled by a telescopic fork up front and a monoshock at the rear, and the Raider runs on 17-inch cast alloy wheels. With its 10-litre fuel tank fully brimmed, the Raider 125 tips the scales at 123kg.
Currently, the Raider 125 retails for Rs 85,973 (drum) and Rs 93,489 (disc). Expect this to cost more than the trim with the disc brakes. TVS has done something similar in the past, with the NTorq 125 also being offered in a tech-laden XT trim, which is the most expensive of the lot.
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